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Friday, June 21, 2019

HAPPINESS IS A CULTURE – Ayinla Tosin Samuel

Many people have derailed from knowing the real definition of what happiness really means and they tend to give it a new meaning and perspective. Some believe that happiness comes in when they have money or win a lottery, some say happiness will creep in when they are with friends and families, some presume that happiness occurs when things are going well while some believe that happiness just happened when they have everything at their dispositions. All these beliefs have become norms, culture and habitual culture of some people. They find themselves chasing happiness which is always at their disposition but because they are blind to the real definition of happiness, they continue seeking happiness where it is not. 
Some believe happiness always associated with achieving something at a particular time, maybe passing an examination, accomplishing tedious tasks, be the talk of the talk or always wearing new designers. All these norms are far from what happiness really means, and the failure to recognize what happiness means has really made alot of people waggle in their pain for so long because they are waiting till their perception about happiness comes to reality. 

Happiness should be a way of life whether things are going well or not. When there is abundant or scarcity, "when you always see a reason to be happy, the obituary of your problem is being announced". Happiness should be taken with so much alacrity because there is no better day to be happy than  now. Though there are always some times when things may seem bad but any whit of happiness can change the situation. A happy man is not a man that's full of certainty but a man that really know how to smile at his problem.
You may not be happy with your present state, everything may seems daunting or be in a state topsy turvy, don't be weary or sad just search your heart and think of something that will make you feel elated or something that once made you felt gleeful, by so doing you will have another and novel perspective about the situation. Thinking about the things which make you happy instantly changes how you feel, and afterward how you act.

Life will always be filled with challenges, but facing them with little smiles and happiness will help you in finding solutions to them.

Say no to sadness, embrace happiness, smile without ceasing. Happiness is a way of thinking and a way of being..

Say no more crying,
Say no more pain,
Say no more loneliness,
Say no more depression,
Say no more emotional trauma
Say no more suicide...

Champ-TEE writes.

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