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Showing posts with label Gist. Show all posts

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Tweets of The Day!

Word or advice for the wise.
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See Reactions From Disappointed Nigerians Over The Defeat of Super Eagles By South Africa

For many years, the Nigerian Super Eagles has maintained dominance over the Bafana Bafana of South Africa, but today, it changed. South Africa finally defeated Super Eagles for the first time in a competitive game after 13 attempts and the internet can't keep calm. Nigerians are understandably disappointed at the team and they are expressing their anger on social media. See more reactions below..

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Amazing Prayer For The Time of Financially Problem

Many feel the tight bonds of their budget each month. How do we have faith that God will provide for us when we’re struggling to keep our lights on, gas in our car, and our growing children in clothes that fit? What about the ache to reach out to others when we lack the means to do it, or having to tell our kids they can’t join their peers because the budget is maxed out?

Every day we debate ourselves over what to spend our money on. When the incorrect choices we make affect our family, friends, and responsibilities, we can turn to God in prayer...

trusting that He is not waiting to mound a side of guilt on top of our conviction. He is waiting help us and guide us... even through the mistakes we continue to struggle with.

Father, praise You for saving us by Your indisputable grace. Nothing trumps Your just and loving hand. No poor decision we make, irresponsible purchase, or insurmountable debt can separate us from Your love.

Paul reminds us in Ephesians that there isn’t anything we can do to gain or lose our salvation. The freedom Christ won us on the cross is what it is. Nothing we do or say can add or subtract from His sacrifice… or from who He is.

Without a concrete Rock to stand on, we would drift along thinking that we somehow have the power to trump Your authority. Thank You for reminding us, through Your Word, that we do not. That You love us indisputably and always, whether we are precise accountants or frivolous spenders.

You know who we are, and You know our heart’s intentions and our struggles. You are the only one equipped to balance and judge where we are at. You consistently say that we are Yours and remind us, through Your Word, of Jesus’ sacrifice for us.

Father, we confess our financial challenges. In a society that lifts money up to such high importance, it’s extremely hard to battle our mind’s eye each day. Thank You for blessing us with money to spend, and help us to honor You with our choices. Forgive us for mindlessly buying things in dollar sections and store end-caps. Sometimes, there are things that we never knew we needed until the bright discount sticker catches our eye. Strengthen us in those moments to fight our impulses by yielding to the power of the Holy Spirit within us.

Help us to see our finances through Your eyes. You have a purpose and plan for our lives, and every cent we’re blessed with to manage. Stir our hearts to seek Your counsel on everything from buying dessert to a brand new car. Urge us to seek You in Your Word, and prayerfully consider Jesus’ example on this earth. We confess that we don’t often stop to think about what You want for our wallet over what we want. When new trends are just a swipe of the credit card away, stir in our hearts to fight temptation.

Jesus walked the earth simply, as a carpenter… without a flashy lifestyle. His miracles were something money couldn’t buy. Not then, and not now. God’s love and God’s plan look different for all of us, but His love does not rise and fall on a scale. He is everlasting, omnipotent, and sovereign. And He has chosen us. Created us. And called us good.

Our purpose on this earth is to help others. Whether we struggle to part with our money, or have trouble accepting God’s generous blessing, help us to be laser-focused on our conversation with You. When we look around to compare our finances with others, it will always cause our hearts unrest. We don’t have the privilege of knowing people inside and out and from the moment of their creation like You do. We assume wealthy equals satisfied. But only Christ holds the key to all happiness.

Whether we seek careers or possessions to heighten our visibility in society, none will ever satisfy or compare to Jesus’ love. Help us to follow Christ in our daily lives. Prayer is life changing, that You promise us. We lift up the bills that puzzle and scare us to You. Guide us, direct us, and equip us to trust You more and more in the daily direction of our financial lives.

Thank You for providing for us, Father. Just the fact that we are skimming over these words is prove that You’ve provided for another day for us. Bless our finances, and help us to seek You first in everything, each day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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Saturday, June 10, 2017

5 Amazing Things That Occur During Sleep

Sleeping seems like such an unremarkable event, but there is so much more to sleep than we realize. Here are 5 amazing things that happen when you sleep.

Check below..

1). You Sleep in Stages
When you first fall asleep, you typically have a sleep cycle that starts with the NREM (non-rapid eye movement) stage, before you progress into a deeper NREM 2 and then NREM 3 (also called slow wave sleep). You finally land in the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep, which is the stage most of your dreams occur. All these stages happen between 90 to 120 minutes, after which you wake up for like a second (most times without even realizing it) and then begin stage 1 again.

2). Your Body Temperature Drops
This is why it’s so easy to fall asleep when in a cool room or after a cool shower. This coolness actually mimics what your body is doing naturally, making it easier for you to immediately sleep off, because while you sleep your core temperature drops. In addition, during the REM stage of your sleep, your body is unable to thermoregulate, so if you get cold, your body won’t shiver to build up inner warmth, until you’re awake.

3). You’re Temporarily Paralyzed
But only for a few minutes - like 20 minutes. This paralysis usually happens during the REM stage (where most of your dreams occur). It’s what sometimes prevents you from acting out your dreams. So you might be an action hero in the dream world, jumping up and down, fighting here and there, but in the real world you’re curled up on your side, sleeping like a baby. However, the paralysis doesn’t last for very long.

4). Your Body Regulates Hunger Hormones When You Sleep
This is why you feel hungry when you wake up after having poor quality sleep. Unfortunately, you tend to eat higher- calorie foods when you feel this hunger, leading to weight gain. Hunger-regulating hormones are unable to work as they should when you don’t sleep well, this is why sleeping well is recommended for those who either want to keep fit or lose some weight.

5). Hypnagogic Jerk
This is the feeling of falling you get as you’re falling asleep or sometimes when you’re even asleep. Sometimes you can start dreaming before your body has reached the REM stage, and these jerks might occur then, in response to you acting out a dream of falling on or tripping over something. Hypnagogic jerks are more likely to happen when you’re overtired, sleep-deprived or stressed, when your brain can aggressively enter into sleep cycles before your body has had a chance to catch up.
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4 Ways To Stay Strong At The Difficult Time

Are you one to crumble at life’s circumstances? Or do you allow them to make you stronger?

When life brings something painful or you simply feel like your life is falling apart, how you respond makes all the difference in the world.

You and I can either react emotionally and escalate the drama of the situation. Or we can respond biblically and grow through it.

As I was writing my book, Drama Free, it occurred to me that there are two kinds of drama in life: 1) The drama that life brings and God allows; and 2) The drama that we create through our response to life.

The drama that life brings is inevitable. Yet how we respond to it determines whether or not it will be fruitful in our lives in conforming us to the image of Christ. Our response to the drama also determines whether God gets the glory or we shine the spotlight on our frailties, insecurities, and emotional instability.

With help from God’s Word, plus some practical guidance, you and I can be drama free – even when the unthinkable happens. Even when you are clearly a victim. Even when life takes an unexpected turn and you are caught in an overwhelming whirlwind of circumstances that would make any person lose it. Even then.

Here is the four ways that you can keep it together when it feels like your life is falling apart. (These four steps spell the word “CALM” which is what you can be if you practice them.). Check below..

C - Consider the bigger picture.
Life – and therefore every circumstance you encounter – is meant to conform you to the image of Christ. We know this because Romans 8:28-29 tells us: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son…” Once you consider this, you can relax and realize God knows what He’s doing in the circumstances He’s allowing. And you can focus on passing the test, rather than failing it through unnecessary drama.

A – Acknowledge God is in control.
You are not at the whim of the weather or the most likely predicted outcome. You are not going to consider “averages” or statistics. You are going to trust the God of miracles and whatever He decides to do or not do, for your greater good. Try taking a look at God’s track record in the stories of the Bible. People went through trial after trial, but when they acknowledged God’s control and remained faithful to Him in spite of their circumstances, they experienced deliverance, protection, comfort, and peace. God has an excellent track record of honoring those who trust Him.

L – Look for the lesson.
The lessons are everywhere. And sometimes they aren’t the ones you think. Ask God to show you what He wants you to see in the moment, and then stay tuned to His instruction. I find it is helpful, and a reminder to me that God is working in my life, when I say aloud, “God, show me what You want me to see in this situation” or, “Mold me through this, God,” or, “Open my eyes to the truth of Who You are through this situation and my pain.” Maybe your short prayer is simply, “Change me through this, Lord Jesus.” By acknowledging that God is doing something through our situation, we won’t miss the lesson.

M – Make it a point to praise.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:18 we are instructed to “give thanks in all circumstances: for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Note that command says in all circumstances, even the unexpected, uncomfortable, and unwanted circumstances. As we thank God for our circumstances – and for whatever He determines to do through them – it will change our perspective and make us people who anticipate His provision, rather than dread the worst. That is displaying faith, rather than demonstrating fear or doubt.

Here is a prayer to start with, that encompasses each step toward finding your CALM:

Lord, Thank You that what is happening in my life right now did not take You by surprise. You understand the bigger picture of what is going on and I trust You with Your plan and purposes for my life. Thank You that You are in absolute control and You are fully able to conform me to the image of Christ through this ordeal as I surrender it to You. Show me what You want me to learn through this and help me to remain teachable and sensitive to Your Holy Spirit. I thank You that You are with me, that You will never leave me, and that You are drawing me closer to You through this situation so I can experience a more intimate relationship with You. May You receive glory for how I respond to all that Your loving hand has allowed in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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Monday, June 5, 2017

These are Just Pictures But They Tell Stories That Will Either Educate,Entertain or Motivate You

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Saturday, June 3, 2017

Check Out This Amazing Thing To Do When You Are Not Progressive

Do you go with this?
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Do Keep Calm! There Is Always A Reason For Your Pains

There is a strong believe that a side to suffering we miss when we focus solely on our pain rather than on God’s greater purpose. If you can see the purpose behind the pain, you can find the way out of this lie.

If you can see the purpose beyond the pain, you will understand God’s ability to leverage the suffering in your life for greater things.

If your suffering won’t go away, it might as well go to work.

Hard times have the capacity to deepen your faith and the faith of those around you. And when you submit your situation to God, he can purify your motives and teach you wonderful things that you can only learn when suffering humbles you and forces you to pay attention to the deep work the Holy Spirit is doing inside of you.

I’m not suggesting God hurts us on purpose just to watch us squirm in agony. On the contrary; God doesn’t hurt us. The world we live in does. Things are breaking down here on earth. People hurt each other. Greed and violence and war and deception are everywhere, and you can’t get away from the constant cycle of sickness, poverty, and death. God doesn’t create these things to hurt you. He is the very One who wants to rescue broken people from these evil forces. And how does God do that? What is his plan to redeem humanity from the curse?

It begins with Jesus. God sent his own Son to this earth to live a sinless life and die a horrible death in our place, so that we would not have to be punished for our sin and rebellion.

It continues, however, with us. The plan God began with Jesus was handed off to God’s people, Christians, to carry on. Jesus himself promised that we would do even greater works than he did, simply meaning that billions of Christians can accomplish unimaginable good in this world for the glory of God when we understand that God wants to use us in his plan. “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12).

And how does he use us, exactly? One way is through our suffering. Consider these words written by Peter, the disciple who spent years with Jesus only to deny him at his crucifixion, and then was restored to lead the New Testament church:

But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. (1 Pet. 2:20–21)

Does this mean it is God’s will for me as a Christian to suffer? At first glance, the answer seems simply... yes. But let’s consider a more nuanced reading of these verses.

This Scripture states that it is God’s will not that you simply suffer aimlessly, randomly, or mindlessly but that you suffer for the purpose of doing good and, more importantly, that you endure that suffering.

Therefore, God does not orchestrate purposeless suffering in your life but rather, on the contrary, redeems your suffering, giving you the grace to endure it for the purpose of serving as a witness to the power of the gospel. People — our children, our spouse, our friends, our boss, our extended family, even skeptical nonbelievers — will observe the way we handle suffering, and they’ll learn from us.

When they see us endure the same kind of hurts and hardships they experience while remaining humble, faithful, and prayerful before God, they’ll pay close attention, curious about the source of our strength.

To put it another way: there is always a bigger story encompassing the painful place in which we find ourselves. God is always up to something much bigger. And while we may not focus on or even be aware of the bigger God-story in the midst of our suffering, the God-story is still there.

When it comes to suffering, sometimes the way we overcome is to simply, humbly, and faithfully endure.

Nothing testifies to the deep, authentic reality of God’s presence in the life of a believer like watching that believer keep their eyes on Jesus while enduring hell on earth. Observing a Christian cry out to God in confusion, pain, and anger, while maintaining the faith to keep calling, to keep weeping, to keep reaching out in hope and trust, is perhaps the greatest apologetic for the Christian faith the world will ever see. Our suffering has the power to change those who are watching us suffer.
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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

A Great Lesson Everyone Should Learn

See below..

A father left 17 Camels as an Asset for his Three Sons.

When the Father passed away, his sons opened up the will.

The Will of the Father stated that the Eldest son should get Half of 17 Camels,
The Middle Son should be given 1/3rd of 17 Camels,

Youngest Son should be given 1/9th of the 17. Camels,

As it is not possible to divide 17 into half or 17 by 3 or 17 by 9, the sons started to fight with each other.

So, they decided to go to a wise man.
The wise man listened patiently about the Will. The wise man, after giving this thought, brought one camel of his own & added the same to 17. That increased the total to 18 camels.

Now, he started reading the deceased father’s will.

Half of 18 = 9.
So he gave 9 camels
to the eldest son.

1/3rd of 18 = 6.
So he gave 6 camels
to the middle son.

1/9th of 18 = 2.
So he gave 2 camels
to the youngest son.

Now add this up:
9 + 6 + 2 = 17 &
This leaves 1 camel,
which the wise man took back.

MORAL and LESSON below..
The attitude of negotiation & problem solving is to find the 18th camel i.e. the common ground. Once a person is able to find the common ground, the issue is resolved. It is difficult at times.

However, to reach a solution, the first step is to believe that there is a solution. If we think that there is no solution, we won’t be able to reach any!

Is this interesting or not?.
Alright, share your thoughts.
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Monday, May 29, 2017

What Faces a Person Turns Back at Another

Na wah!.
One man's poison is another man's meat.
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Saturday, May 27, 2017

Lol, Funny Tweets of The Day

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Friday, May 26, 2017

Take a Look at This Wordless Tweet

Hmmmmm!. What do you have to say about this?.
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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Do You Also Support This?

Yes or No?.
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Hello Teelamford Lovers, Here Is The Tweet of The Day (From Osibajo)

Word!.. See another one below..

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Check Out 9 Important Things You Must Be Careful of When You Are Feed Up of Your Marriage

When Marriage hurts, there is a high possibility of making mistakes that will make matters worse.

Emotion is high, depression is setting in, anger is deep and worry is overwhelming, that is the period when people make more terrible mistakes, saying terrible things, do negative things, hurt themselves and their loved ones.

This are the things you must never do, when your marriage is really hurting:

Some couples erroneously think that it is better to “give a gap” when there is crisis’’ to make tempers cool down. But the truth is, the longer you separate from your spouse the more difficult it becomes to come together again. It even makes it easier for the devil to use you against each other. Avoid separation as much as possible. Stay in that marriage to make it work. {Malachi 2:14-16}

There is always the temptation to involve outsiders whenever there is a crisis at home. But most of the time, third parties are biased and may not say the truth. They may even have hidden agenda, or be experiencing something worse in their own marriage. Also, they may not be knowledgeable to handle a marital crisis. If you must involve the third party at all, let it be your pastor or a qualified marriage counselor. “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh”. Gen.2:24. It’s better to involve professional, not pity party who will compound your issues.

Don’t give up on your marriage; it is not yet over. Never say you have tried your best. Until your marriage becomes the best, you have not put in your best.

It is a grave error to think that divorce is the best option for you under any circumstances. There is no happiness in divorce. Research has shown that many divorcees end up living sad and frustrated lives. Wisdom demands you don’t join them.

Never think of divorce; don’t even consider it as an option. Stay in that marriage to make it work. Don’t end that marriage at this point. Fight for your marriage, you will surely win.

Lots of people do find solace in drugs and alcohol when their marriage hurts, making more mistakes in the process.
Engaging or saying wrong things under the influence of alcohol is very easy so, avoid these substances.

Life is more precious than marriage. Don’t kill yourself, it will be the greatest error of your life to kill yourself because of your marriage, your spouse will move on after your burial.

Avoid keeping malice. Talk, you can’t solve the problem without talking, discuss it.

Telling people about your spouse’s secrets, fighting openly, and cursing, destroying domestic properties are all dirty. Don’t do it.

9. DON’T SAY OR DO WHAT YOU WILL REGRET LATER: Talk less, don’t say or do what you will regret. Don’t speak out of anger, there is danger in anger. Be careful, do everything to solve the problem, don’t compound it.
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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Check Out This 7 Things To Do To Possibly Save Your Life During Accident

An auto crash is something no one wants to experience, sometimes its your fault and other times its not. There are steps to take to help prevent bad occurrences such as injuries and even worse.

Highlighted below are some tips to help you prevent injuries and death in case of accident;

1). Always Wear Your Seat Belt
his cannot be emphasized enough. Your seat belt is not just there to prevent LASTMA officials from flagging you down.Its also there for your safety.Wear it !

2). Keep Potential Flying Objects Safe
In the event of a collision or a roll over ,you wouldn’t want sharp objects or any object that could cause harm to you, flying around.

Keep objects you don’t use frequently in the boot. Keep your pen in the glove box.

3). Drive The Safest Car You Can Afford
A lot of people focus mainly on aesthetics and fuel economy of cars. Very little care about how safe the vehicle is
You should check crash tests and safety ratings of cars before buying them and buy the safest one you can afford. You should also check the safety features the car has before buying.

4). Don’t Over Speed.
This has been resounded over and over again ,but some people still feel they are James Bond.Even if the road is totally free,you should limit your speed ,just imagine a car coming into the road unexpectedly ,or an animal crossing the road unexpectedly while you are being fast and furious.

When you are not over speeding the force of impact would be less and injuries minimal.

5). Aim For An Object That Would Do Least Damage
In case you loose control ,probably when avoiding a Danfo Bus .Aim for an object that would do least damage,both to yourself and others .This is why you should always be alert and conscious of your environment.

6). Keep The Kids Strapped In Always
It really pisses me off when I see parents allow their kids play in cars while driving .

Some mothers even breast feed while driving !
Children are lighter than you are and can easily get thrown around when an accident occurs .So keep them buckled up always !.

7). Always Have Emergency Number On Speed Dial
Always have an emergency number on speed dial .If possible activate voice control on your phone ,because you might not be able to move.

You should also have phone numbers of loved ones saved and on speed dial ,with easily identifiable names like “wife” and “mum” etc.
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Check Out This 5 Amazing Foods That Makes You Sleep Better

If you’re having trouble getting to bed or staying asleep, Jumia Travel helps you out by sharing 5 surprising foods that can help you sleep better.

1). Cereal
When this is eaten before bed, it can help you get better sleep. This is mainly because this food contains two main components for falling asleep: carbohydrates (from the cereal) and calcium (from the milk).

2). Rice
White rice especially, has a high glycemic index that makes eating it significantly slash the time it takes for you to fall asleep, which helps you fall asleep faster. This is why some people complain that after eating rice, they can’t help feeling sleepy or immediately falling asleep.

3). Honey
The natural sugar in honey slightly raises the insulin and allows tryptophan (an amino acid that helps induce a natural calming and sleep inducing effect) to enter the brain more easily. A spoonful of honey before bed can help to give you a more restful sleep.

4). Walnuts
Walnuts are another good source of tryptophan, the sleep-enhancing amino- acid that helps to make serotonin and melatonin, the ‘body clock’ hormone that sets up your sleep-wake cycles. In addition, walnut also contains its own source of melatonin, which in conjunction with the function of tryptophan can help you fall asleep faster.

5). Warm Milk
This tried and true sleep aid also contains tryptophan and is high in calcium; this contributes to its relaxing effect and ability to help you fall asleep faster.

Combining milk with carbohydrate rich foods like oatmeal, granola etc. makes its much more effective as a sleeping aid.
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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Hilarious: See What You Get When You Try To Scam a Pastor Through Text Messages

I like how he started with 'Dear Child of God' and then went on to place a
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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Lol, Take a Look at These Tweets From The #NepaWahala Trend (Photos)

So on Nigerian twitter, #NepaWahala was a trending topic and some of the tweets are totally out of the world hilarious. Read more tweets below..

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Hello Teelamford Lovers!, Here Is The Tweet of The Day

Funny sarcasm..
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